Stompin’ Tom Bronze Statue Unveiled In Sudbury
September 8, 2017
Bronze beauty – Stompin’ Tom statue unveiled
JulY 4, 2015 12:33 AM by: Matt Durnan
Taken from: www.sudbury.com
His music resonates throughout Canada and now his likeness has been immortalized in Sudbury in the form of a bronze statue.
That’s right, a Stompin’ Tom Connors statue, created by sculptor Tyler Fauvelle, was unveiled on July 3 at Bell Park during Northern Lights Festival Boreal.
“We did this because of one of (Stompin’ Tom’s) most famous songs ‘Sudbury Saturday Night’ will forever connect him to this city’s history,” said Fauvelle. “He was the people’s poet, we wanted to remember him and his true Canadian voice for generations to come.”
Fauvelle thanked everyone who contributed time and supplies into the project.
The statue will remain in Bell Park for the duration of the festival and at its conclusion it will find a permanent home at a location yet to be determined.
(Below video) NorthernLife.ca got a sneak peek of the Stompin’ Tom Connors statue making its way to Bell Park.