Special note: We believe Tom and his partners in ACT Records had several Albums from the Boot Records days re-released under ACT when he decided to come out of retirement in the late 80’s. We do not have a full list of all the titles but given that the STC numbers go to 15 its possible we are missing STC-2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. The pressing amount for each title would be quite low making them extremely rare so if you have any of these ACT titles with the STC numbers on them please let us know and we will continue to fill this ACT Discography with your help.

Stompin’ Tom Is Back To Assist Canadian Talent

ACT Records: STC-1
Date of Release: 1986

Track Listing

  1. Intro (Stompin’ Tom Connors)
  2. We Have No Canadian Dream (Stompin’ Tom Connors)
  3. My Home Town (Wayne Chapman)
  4. That Great Magic Moment (Cliff Evans)
  5. My Whole World Revolves (Dona Lambert)
  6. Redstone Lake (Bruce Caves)
  7. Hello Dad (Art Hawes)
  8. Waltz Of The Otonabee (Kent Brockwell)
  9. St. Anne’s Song And Reel (Stompin’ Tom Connors)
  10. Made In The Shade (Stompin’ Tom Connors)
  11. The Bars Of Vancouver (Wayne Chapman)
  12. Ann Marie (Cliff Evans)
  13. August Moon Waltz (Donna Lambert)
  14. Gimme Cold Cold Beer (Kent Brockwell)
  15. Guardian Angel (Art Hawes)
  16. Pappy’s Old Workshop (Bruce Caves)
  17. The Singers Of Canada (Stompin’ Tom Connors)
  18. A Message (Stompin’ Tom Connors)

Notes About This Release

This was Tom’s first album released after he emerged from his self-imposed exile. Most of the songs on this record were written and/or performed by various Canadian artists other than Tom. The artists include Bruce Caves, Art Hawes, Cliff Evans, Kent Brockwell, Donna Lambert, Wayne Chapman, and Stompin’ Tom Connors with Marion’s Country Band (Sam Leitch, Marion Armstrong, Wayne Armstrong and Earl Burt).

Bud The Spud

ACT Records: STC-3
Date of Release: circa 1987-1988

Track Listing

  1. Bud The Spud
  2. The Ketchup Song
  3. Ben, In The Pen
  4. My Brother Paul
  5. Rubberhead
  6. Luke’s Guitar (Twang Twang)
  7. The Old Atlantic Shore
  8. My Little Eskimo
  9. Reversing Falls Darling
  10. She Don’t Speak English
  11. The Canadian Lumberjack
  12. Sudbury Saturday Night
  13. T.T.C. Skidaddler
  14. (I’ll Be) Gone With The Wind

Notes About This Release

Bud the Spud and several other albums Tom had on Boot Records were re-released by ACT in order to get some records in the stores again after his long hiatus.

My Stompin’ Grounds

ACT Records: STC-9
Date of Original Release: 1971

Track Listing

  1. My Stompin’ Grounds
  2. The Bridge Came Tumbling’ Down
  3. Snowmobile Song
  4. “Wop” May
  5. Cross Canada
  6. Tillsonburg
  7. Tribute To Wilf Carter
  8. Song Of The Irish Moss
  9. Song Of The Peddler
  10. Bonnie Belinda
  11. Name The Capital
  12. Song Of The Cohoe

Notes About This Release

Another Boot Album re-released by ACT. We are unsure as to how many or what titles ACT re-released. If you have any, let us know!

Fiddle & Song

ACT Records: STC-15
Date of Release: 1988

Track Listing

  1. Lady, k.d. lang
  2. Fiddler’s Folly
  3. It’s All Over Now, Anyhow
  4. The French Song
  5. I Never Want To See The World Again
  6. Hillside Hayride
  7. Morning & Evening & Always
  8. Return Of The Sea Queen
  9. Canada Day, Up Canada Way
  10. Jolly Joe MacFarland
  11. Skinner’s Pond Teapot
  12. Teardrop Waltz
  13. Entry Island Home
  14. I Am The Wind
  15. Wreck Of The Tammy Anne

Notes About This Release

Tom’s second original album on his ACT label featured a variety of new songs, including a duet with his wife Lena. Tom created a great cover photo showing “2 Toms” playing music together. While Tom was out of the Business for many years, he decided to learn a few instruments and when it was time to make a new original Album he played most of the instruments heard in the songs himself. He admits it isn’t perfect but he wanted to see if he could pull it off.

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